Visual flash cards sight words
Visual flash cards sight words

visual flash cards sight words
  1. Visual flash cards sight words how to#
  2. Visual flash cards sight words series#
  3. Visual flash cards sight words download#

In this way, reading material will contain only the sight words that our kids are currently working on. We are using both All About Reading and The Wilson Program and implement our study of sight words according to those progressions. It is ideal, if possible, not to have your kids read books with words they have not learned yet to avoid forming a habit of guessing. Most reading curricula will have their own progression of how they will introduce sight words. We are working on this but I don’t correct handwriting during sight word instruction. In this video, Ben sometimes starts his letters at the bottom or writes them backwards.

Visual flash cards sight words how to#

How to Teach Sight Words from Marianne Sunderland on Vimeo.Ī couple of notes on the video: Ideally, your child will trace the letters of the sight words with correct motions. The following 2 minute video shows how the sight word study method looks in real life.

Visual flash cards sight words download#

Download a copy of these instructions below: Then put them in a pile for occasional review. Practice these sight words until they can read them by sight 5 or 6 times. If your child is writing, have them write the word in a notebook.Ħ. Say each letter and then the whole word while sweeping your hand down the left arm or up the right arm (depending on handedness).ĥ. Using the hand you write with, tap each letter down your opposite arm – going down the left arm or up the right arm. You can have your child turn the card over as they get closer to mastery so they are tracing from memory and not from looking at the card. Like step 2, say each letter as you write it and then say the whole word while underlining it. Trace the word on the table using two fingers.

visual flash cards sight words

Then say the whole word while underlining it. Trace each letter on the card with the back of a pencil or pen, saying the name of each letter as you do. Of course, if they don’t know the word yet, tell them what the card says.Ģ. Once we started this method, he not only learned his sight words easily, he enjoyed learning them as well!ġ. I should note that until we discovered this method (with many thanks to my teachers at the Dyslexia Training Institute) Ben was unable to learn any sight words even after many weeks of effort. How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexiaįirst I will explain the method in detail and then I have included a short video with my 7-year old son, Ben, demonstrating how we study sight words at home. The method that I am about to show you is a great example of multi sensory teaching. No amount of viewing flash cards or filling in work sheets is going to help! Rote memorization is definitely not one of those methods! When I peruse the Internet for sight word teaching ideas, I am shocked at how few sight word study methods are really effective for the dyslexic learning style. Other uses for this method are for teaching words that may actually follow a particular spelling pattern or rule but that you haven’t covered yet and still the child needs to know the word for school or for some other reason.Īs we’ve talked before, people with dyslexia can be taught to read with the right methods. Sight words are words that don’t follow the usual rules and therefore need to be memorized by ‘sight’. Today we’re looking at an extremely effective way to teach sight words to kids with dyslexia.

Visual flash cards sight words series#

Click here to read the series from the beginning. Hello and welcome back to day 4 of our 5-day series on How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read.

Visual flash cards sight words